Big Thanks To: @spoukyi, @SkyWalk1n, @junnlives, @ItsDontM, @DasKairo, @MrSonic2746
What else do you think I should add?
You should tween more as it looks too static. Same with the bottom notification add some tweening
Looks way better, maybe try to tween when you open the menu
@NoisyDawid123456, @SkyWalk1n, @Dev_Peashie, @ItsDontM, @Blackus2k, @Skainted, @junnlives, @gorigonewneme
What else do you think I should add?
A click effect for when you press a button would be nice, something like this:
Not sure why I was notified here but I agree with @SkyWalk1n, a click effect would work well
Nice!But i think a click effect should be a little slower
Nice!I love it!Very very smoooth
@nidbahn, @nakavt, @Dev0mar, @desinied, @Xanthys, @NoisyDawid123456, @MrSonic2746, @DasKairo
Hi! You can help me with this. What is a feature you’d like to see on this table booking system?
I think it looks really good! Im not really good at gui’s
I’m more so the person who would look at the bad things instead of the good things, But here is mainly just good, so I’ll point out the Only bad I found:
- The UI can be very bright for Players
The UI can be very Bright, which can cause all sorts of things like Headaches,if you want to appeal to all Brightnesses, you can try setting its RGB color (or Saturation) to a lower amount, like for RGB, maybe around200 - 240
, that way it will still Look the same, except slightly tinted for the Brightness.
Alternatively, you can make a Dark Mode, Which is what the Majority prefer.
Overall, 8/10
Looks ok, But it would need more work on a lot of things.
Small Edit, depending on the Effects of the UI Color, but If you are using it for environment and with Brightness, just around 190 - 230
just so it will obscuring anything that needs to be read.
However on the Screen, Just 230 - 240
Got no feedback about the functional of GUI, yet but i can recommend to add decorations behind background like stickers.
Thank you for your insightful reply! Got you covered, the dark mode is available in the settings!
I’ll change up the contrast levels on the light mode