Look at what I made!

Got no feedback about the functional of GUI, yet but i can recommend to add decorations behind background like stickers.

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Thank you for your insightful reply! :star2: Got you covered, the dark mode is available in the settings!



I’ll change up the contrast levels on the light mode

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Something like these?


The text is barely visible on inactive buttons. I’d suggest increasing the contrast

These are nice, where did you get them from?

Interface Tools! By @fivefactor

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Yeah, some of them would fit behind the GUI.

How’s this?


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How’s this?


clean ui you got there but its not that popping out yknow? try adding some gloss and drop shadows and forgot sake a tween because that just ruins the beauty of it. ALSO DARK THEME MAN THATS LIKE A FLASHBANG IN COD


i know i am not GOAT guy but thats too dark make it like 170,170,170 or smthing


how did you find me to ping me lol, well gui looks not bad but sadly interface tools cost 100 robux

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Hi @gorigonewneme here are some open sourced websites to find icons and textures!

Gaming Icons: Kenney • Free game assets
Icons of all sorts: https://www.flaticon.com/
Transparent Textures: https://www.transparenttextures.com/
More Textures: Texture Vectors, Photos and PSD files | Free Download

When the color is lighter the colors don’t match. It looks like its unavailable.

Something like this? With the gloss and the glow?
Frame 1

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lol whats the sense, its costs 1200 robux are you kidding me he also has license lol what

Dang it didn’t look at the price, you can use these: Look at what I made! - #31 by Trisxcal for the textures and icons. Using UIStrokes and UICorners you can make the buttons.

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