Anything going to be done about particles simply not showing up often enough for low end computers?
I know it’s for performance reasons, but even if I just have a single emitter in my game, the difference between graphics settings 1 and 10 is a tiny drop once every minute and a waterfall.
[quote] Anything going to be done about particles simply not showing up often enough for low end computers?
I know it’s for performance reasons, but even if I just have a single emitter in my game, the difference between graphics settings 1 and 10 is a tiny drop once every minute and a waterfall. [/quote]
If the computer can’t handle it we’re not going to render it. It’s a pretty simple rule.
Finally got these changes submitted after a long and arduous process of figuring out a good way to calculate the bounding box of the particle system. Should see them on a gametest next week and, if all goes according to plan, live a week from next Wednesday. I’ll keep you guys updated on the process.