Looking for 3d Modeler/Map Builder [$450 USD]

Nado Interactive has partnered with RoGrow to develop the best RTS roblox has ever seen.

We are looking for a map builder to make 3 maps for our new Real-time-strategy game where you create & command armies to conqueror your opponent. Building a map is more of creating a landscape, for units to fight over rather than a map with buildings and cities. However, each map will have to have something unique whether it be ancient ruins, a small village, or a volcano.

Each map needs to be about 700x700 studs of gameplay space. That is area that the player is able to play in, and command units in. Outside of the 750x750 play area, there needs to be some sort of barrier. Whether it’s an ocean, mountains, or rocks but it has to be obvious that it’s a barrier. The map is not expected to be perfectly square, but rather messed up a bit. The example below is a island, with small islands around it. If you took away the small islands, this is what I mean by not perfectly square.

Island Height Map

Create the landscape, and make it look extremely good. Rocks, trees, bushes, etc. (Do not over place assets as it will cause lag.) In the picture below, those are the current assets we have. Other assets are not provided and must be created by you. They won’t be textured as they are just colored normally. Terrain is just roblox terrain.

Mountains/Hills should be a combination of the normal terrain rocks, and mesh rocks. Example is below. [If you don’t want to place trees manually, there is a plugin called brushtool which makes it extremely easy and fast.]

Example 3

Necessary Skills: You must be an experienced builder in roblox and 3d modeler with blender to create these maps. Only apply if you are capable.

$150 USD per map. $450 for all 3 maps.

Only contact me if you have read the whole post. Discord- Nado#9659

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