I’m looking for a 3d modeler/map builder to work on a game with me. They would create units, buildings, and maps. (I am the scripter)
The game
A simple RTS similar to tc3, and planetary annihilation. It would be a much more simple game than my RTS Conflict Rising. See that games demo here: Combat Arms Reborn Demo 2 - YouTube. I believe that the game failed due to it being much too complicated. My version one of the game was terrible scripting wise, but created much more profit and retained much more players due to its simplicity. V2 failed because of its complexity. Everybody in the server loves the game but its much too difficult and complex for the roblox playerbase to succeed. Although the scripting part was very good. I plan on a V3 using a lot of my scripts from v2 and making it much more simple and more like a roblox game.
The game is basically base vs base. Your goal is to destroy the enemies base to win. (1v1 + other gamemodes.) It will target 5-10 minute gameplay. You control tanks and aircraft to do it.
The games graphics will be like planetary annihilation. Message me for more information.
Your job
Create me units and maps. Tanks, Aircraft, etc. No naval. If you can texture great. If not I’ll find somebody. [38 Units, 15 Maps]. Not super much detail in any of this stuff.
Why you should develop with me
I know exactly what to script for the game. My scripting part will go quick since I’ve already done it in the V2. It wont take a year for me to do it. Also I got 103k robux for sponsoring and advertising the game and other costs. All you gotta do is create maps and units. I also got 136 members in the discord dedicated to my games so we got some sort of player base already.
Game style I’m looking for

You will get a percentage of the game. That or I can pay $650 USD once done. Contact me at Nado#9659. I won’t respond to anybody until the 12th or 13th.