Looking for a Blender array like functionality for Roblox Studio (Plugin)

Hey everyone,

I was looking around the plugin section of roblox but I can’t seem to find any plugins that repeat the functionality that the blender array modifier does.

So what i am trying to achieve? I am trying to place 1 union and make it repeat multiple times with a given distance between them. (like how blender does it).

The issue I have is that I need to manually place the unions now and it’s tedious to do if you need to place alot of unions with a specific interval of distance (even with snapping to grid with a specific amount of studs)

What solutions i have tried so far: I have searched up the forums, searched around the plugins of roblox, searched on youtube, reddit. But can’t seem to find any plugins.

Now my question is: Does anyone know any plugin that fulfills what I am trying to achieve?

This is what the blender array modifier does:

Thanks in advance!


I think this is more of a #development-support:scripting-support issue, since I don’t believe there’s any plugins or features built into Studio that supports array modifiers for parts

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Made it better:
Can clone a part/model with a displacement
displacement can be stud measurement or a scale of the objects size(world oriented bounding box)
rotation can be applied for each iteration, also uses world axis

Edit: Another update and moved to new group. New Link.


Hey sorry for the late answer, that addon is actually good! Thanks for it!