Looking for a builder partner (Closed)

Yes, I am looking for a advanced builder to help me make games. I always find myself starting projects and getting stuck, because I can’t build.

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I don’t see your friend request on discord, can you try again?
It’s AtomicNuke#0677

I have sent a friend request to you!

Add me in discord

User: ItsSaif_YT#8887

Add me on disk Jurou#4173 see you there!

What kind of building style you’re looking for? Here’s my discord if you’re still looking for someone. cal#6720

Dude, why should he pay in robux it wouldn’t make sense? If it is a partnership then they both make ideas. If it is unsuccessful then it would be both builder and scripter at fault as they are partners. If you do not agree with him do not reply, payment is payment.

I have sent a friend request to @pickachue33, @devilscapture, and @kendallroblox1. Make sure to turn on friend requests @ItsSaif_YT.

Yo! I’m interested here’s my Discord: Hazam#9887 Hope you see you soon!

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I have sent a friend request to you.

I’m interested, if you’re still looking for a partner I would like to give it a go. My Discord is- KEDO#2667
We can talk there. :wave:

I have sent a friend request to you.

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