Looking for a Builder [Up to 100k ROBUX]

I am currently working on a zombie defense game and I am looking for a builder that would assist me in my work.

  • Zombie Base (Wood, stone, iron, glass stage)
  • Other small things

I am willing to pay up to 100,000 robux.
Please message me on developer forum then we can exchange contacts or leave your work in the comment section!


Can you provide more information of the details or the map (size, scale), the style, time line, and anything else you think is relevant? “Other small things” is very vague haha :slight_smile:

And in addition to this, provide concepts you’d like the artist to use as a reference - since that goes a long way for artists.


What do build:

  • Zombie base used for protection. Each part of the base would be upgradeable. (Fences, walls, towers and etc.)
  • Other Things:
  • Gun shop/upgrader
  • Zombie spawner

Style: This game is going to be mobile compatible. (Good looking but not too detailed). Style can vary from cartoonish to realistic

Timeline: I am willing to accept anything within a month. Sooner the better!

Please if you do have any questions I would like to answer them.


I would love to work for you! I would like to know if this game is low-poly, or… also if it is an action or horror game. Also, what you are looking for is a modeler, and I am quite a good modeler. Discord- SpeedyMcArrowhead#3628 for my work.

I’d love to work for a Zombie shoot em up!
I’ll contact you with previous work in messages soon.

Also found a bug with the minigun, if you double click and hold, the minigun’s firing sounds don’t work.

Looks fun, but what sort of style are you looking for within the building?

I recommend working with @WisdomClock, me and him have a partnership going on and he’s 100% trustworthy, and will not disappoint you. The most hardworking peer I’ve ever met.

I am guess this is the “comment section” This is my portfolio- https://devforum.roblox.com/t/spedthru-portfolio/246578 which will of course show my various pieces of work.

Can I get a little more info?

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