Looking for a Builder!

About Us

Hi there! im looking for a building partner I have the game logic ready which I started working for like 4 hours today I only need an experienced builder to help me. My main acc is fisiiboy10, but I used this alt acc just because there was so many projects on my main. :smiley:

You can see My progress so far here: Weight Legends 2.0 [NEW] - Roblox

About The Job

Im looking for a builder which can make low ploy style of building He can only do the building and I handle all scripting and ui and stuff.


Im paying with % but if the builder does a very big job after the game release i will give him bonuses. 25% for the builder.

Contact Us

Discord: FISHY#8882
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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Greetings @fisiiboy10,

Many games offer percentages of there gameā€™s revenue. Most of the time they donā€™t have a backup fund, which doesnā€™t make a developer want to apply. (This is because they put in hard work for little return) Do you have a backup fund if your game doesnā€™t generate revenue?


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Iā€™am Sorry I donā€™t have a backup refund but I have an investor that I know which can help when game is done.

Hi, I would like to help you to build for your game. I might not have my own portfolio(working on it) but Iā€™m gonna give it a go in low poly building.

Add me in Discord: ViroTGP #9554

The 2nd sentence makes no sense. You say your main is fisiiboy10 but your also saying that your using ā€œthis alt accā€ but your making this on your main.

no I mean that Im using alt account to make this game because on my main account I have to many projects.

Okay I will add you in Discord u can chat me there

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