Hi there, I am Aensvey and I have been building on roblox ever since I joined in January of 2017 and I have since about a month ago decided to take up scripting as well. I am looking for a partner that is able to build pretty good and is also interested in creating games [Long Term]. I would REALLY like it if you could also script some but yeah I ain’t gonna require it. In addition to looking for someone who is talented I also am looking for someone to be in the 13-20 age bracket and someone who can take a joke, because if you can’t take one, there is no chance this will work.
I will split the profits gained from all of the games 50/50.
We will also be using my group, “Epicly Chill Studios”.
(and yes that is a Flamingo reference)
You can contact me on Discord (13+) at Aensvey#2799
Thanks for reading!