Looking for a co-developer

About Me

G’day! I am Programmed_Model. I am a self taught Builder, Modeler and Scripter. I have used Roblox Studio for about 4 years and was introduced to the platform as far back as 2011 on an old account of mine. I am a keen and enthusiastic developer that puts in maximum effort to reach my high standards and goals.

The Team
@Programmed_Model - Co Developer 1
@username - Co Developer 2

About The Job

I am on the hunt for a keen and enthusiastic Developer, like myself, who is willing to work along side me to help script, build, work on GUI and in the long run to produce a game. Although not all of those skills are required, the more you know the better!


Although I am not directly paying you to help me as this will be a 50/50 collaborative effort so every penny the game makes will be split in a 50% cut.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: Dont Feed The Ducks#1267
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post! :slight_smile:


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