I’m looking for someone to compose an original soundtrack for my game Azure Mines. Not sure how many people here are musicians but if you know one who isn’t on this forum you should let them know about this. I’m looking for the best composer on ROBLOX for about 7-10 two minute songs progressing from “happy cheerful surface music” to “deep cave music” to “Oh cool I’m in actual hell” music and also some sound effects. I’ll pay R$500,000 for the whole job which you’ll be able to DevEx using as long as you meet the basic requirements & are in good community standing. I’ll also promote you and your work on my social media. You can go on to sell the soundtrack or monetize it on YouTube if you want.
If you’re interested or know someone who may be, send your application to andrew@berezaagames.com, make sure to include additional contact info and at least five pieces of previous work which you solely created.
I’m raising my asking price to $R500,000. However, if you do not already have a piece that’s close to the general theme I’m looking for in Azure Mines, I may need you to create a short sample to show you can produce what I’m looking for.
The general theme I’m looking for is “cave” music that sets the ambience of the underground. At the surface, I want upbeat and lighthearted music, then ambient cave music, but still light-hearted (maybe something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cqit7G4O-E). As you get deeper, I want music more similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk42JV1jyLU still cave-y but more creepy. Yet also challenging the player to continue exploring deeper.
Please produce a 15-20 second sample piece piece for any region you see fit, following this ambient “cave” theme.