Looking for a Content Manager [Closed]

Demjot and I have decided that we won’t be needing a new team member after all. Thank you all for your interest!

The Harvest Season team is looking for a content manager. We need someone that can design content for the game and manage assets. This position does not require building or scripting. However, it requires creative thinking and analytical analysis. Tools have already been created to make it easier to change and add models as well as jobs. The content manager will be responsible for coming up with ideas that will make the game fun and memorable.


• Create models with unique names, descriptions, designs, and behaviors
• Create jobs (quests) with unique names, descriptions, requirements, and rewards
• Set and adjust item prices and harvest quantities
• Design GUIs and possibly contact and contract designers to create 2d assets
• Collaborate on Trello


20% of game profits through group payout
40,000 R$ on beta release

Example Tasks

• Figure out how much wood should come from each type of tree
• Design a series of jobs that are progressively more difficult and revolve around wood.
• Pick and set which items are rewarded for each job revolving around wood
• Come up with more types of fences that can be put into the game.

@TheNickmaster21 Can I get your discord?
Or talk to me on AD#1632

I think that’s what is called a ‘Game Designer’ (so you know the proper term).

I’d be interested - but I’ve got other projects e.e
Good luck, this’ll be interesting to play :wink:

Would this position include implementing and designing marketing/monetization campaigns?

It could! Right now we are just in need of someone that can do more content design of any type. That includes anything that isn’t scripting or building.

Sounds like my job title :joy: I checked out the game. It’s cool!

Totally interested in this! Project looks awesome.

I would love to help if I wasn’t busy already :frowning:

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