Looking for a feedback on my build!

Yesterday I built a Lucrehulk-class battleship from star wars after 1 month of experience in blender, these are my results. (Please take note this is a very oversimplified version of the battleship)

Inside of Roblox

Smooth shader

Flat shader

Inside of Blender

3. Lucrehulk

Feedback would be very much appreciated! :smiley:


Looks great, though I would recommend having a mix of smooth and sharp edges. The smooth shading makes it look a bit like an inflatable balloon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the feedback! I have de-flated the balloon now! :sweat_smile:

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This is cool, and well made. Good work!


Whoa this looks so cool and realastic! Good job!

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Love it! Keep up the good work m8! :+1:

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Looks great, no negative feedback from me!

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