Looking for a GFX

Please keep the following in mind before posting:

This area of the forum is publicly accessible to developers for recruitment. Please be prepared to answer questions about your projects and provide & collect feedback from the community about your plan.

Job Recruitment Template

About Us

Hi there! We are a small upcoming SCPF group. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game!

The Team
@SinisIer - Owner
@Soviet_Komrade O5-Head
@N/a- GFX

You can see our progress so far here: https://www.roblox.com/games/RobloxGame

About The Job

We are looking for a good GFX ADs.


We are paying USD with paypal
will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve

Contact Us

Jack Bright#0001 -me The Soviet Onion#3129 -O5 Head or via discord server Discord
Thanks for reading!

I shot you a discord FQ @Alex.#5846 c:

Hello! I’m happy to see that but so sorry we had 3 so far and we just need 1.

1 Like

Are the discord user up to date cause it seems its not working and the server too

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