Looking for a good scripter to help with my game

About Us

Hi there! I am mathep, owner of the coolmathgames Roblox Group and I’m looking for a scripter to help out with a game based on solving math problems and earning points. I really need a scripter to rewrite the whole game to make it all efficient for everyone and mobile user in mind

Our Game


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40 average concurrent players,
Group with 17k members,
Large social media influencers

Payment + contact

Payment will be discussed in direct messages

Discord + Twitter
@mathep1 mathep#0007 (reply with your discord because my privacy settings are off)


Hello, I’ve played your games before. It’s really good. Good luck to whoever wins this spot.

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You’re going to need payment information for others a little bit more information, and contact information.

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I would like to help you out, but I’m way to busy at the moment building all stuff for my game. If I was able to hired somebody that wasn’t a scammer that can help me build the stuff with me then I would be able to help you out. Making a math problem script and a points gui are easy to make, but rewriting somebody else’s whole game script will take a month or less then a month to make depends on how many scripts that you have cause it might take some time to learn how the last scripter made the script or maybe even longer if it has tons of module scripts. To explain to you little bit better. If I gave you one of my scripts that I’ve made for my game, you won’t be able to understand how it works or what to do with it cause it’s been written in my style. I wish you luck in finding somebody for the job.

Add me on discord i can show you my portfolio and maybe i can help.But can you provide some Payment info


I’d love to talk to you about this position on discord

Discord and twitter:

Hello, I am interested in this position.

Twitter: @studio_havoc

My Portfolio

I would seriously not recommend hiring this guy at all. He worked for me and claimed he was a good scripter. I put him in charge of scripting our group UIs, but he just took all the files, left the server and blocked me. If you need any proof of this, I can provide that.

Can you provide some proof? If you can dm it to me on twitter (@mathep1) would be the best option to keep this thread on topic.

Discord is more convenient for me. Username: Jake ツ#9999

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