Hello! We are Team Sapphire and we are looking for a Logo creator for our game!
About our game!
Our game is called Kidnap [Story] and we are looking for somebody who can create a sort of “Simplistic” look that most story game logos have.
Where can you find more info?
Just DM/PM me if you can, or go to my Discord at Svmiyy#4918!
You name the price! We can pay with percentages or one time payments. Please keep in mind that we are on a budget, so please don’t request something such as 12k robux.
Any requirements?
Not really. We want this job to be accessible to most people. Our only requirement is that you need some sort of experience with logo creating and can create us a simplistic logo.
Leave a comment or PM/DM me if you are interested! You will also be credited in the description.
Oh wow! Calvin was actually the person who made mine! When I used your GFX, my photo editing skills and Calvin’s logo, we made a great thumbnail! Would recommend @calvin19987 for 2D art and @Smviyy for GFX! I know this is closed but I felt like I had to leave a comment.