Hi, I’m Huxmes!
I am working on a grand life simulation / role-playing experience, with the intent of having seemingly infinite possibilities. The concept is vast, and as such will take a while to fully flourish. However, I intend, with the right partner, to release the beginning of something amazing, in no more than a couple of months at a push.
As the scope of this project is large, I would love to work with someone who can assume the lead position of 3D modelling and any respective areas, whilst I focus on both UI design, programming and other forms of graphic design.
I understand that working on the premise of being promised a percentage of any generated revenue can be a sketchy one, though I would like to enforce this: I have been on Roblox for a while and have wanted nothing more than to turn it into a sustainable career - it’s something I enjoy, and I’m competent in. It would be a waste for me not to pursue. I encourage you to contact me, either here or via Discord, and ask for more details, my plan of action, etc. and form a decision then - I can also show you progress I have thus far!
I am fully confident this is a game that can return great reward for both our hard work, and should it somehow fail, I will do everything in my power to accommodate (from now onwards) your personal circumstances.
I hope this piques somebody’s interest, and I’ll talk to you soon!
Again, contact me here or via Discord: Huxmes#0955