Looking for a new game idea

Note that I got a bit off topic when writing this but I feel like I should just leave those parts in. There are parts that a more for background detail and less for being related to this topic. If you decide to read the background information it might help you make better suggestions to help me. I made this topic in the wrong category last time and somebody told me this would be a better one. If this get’s taken down I don’t know where I should make this topic or if I should at all. The parts blurred are a bit less relevant.

I decided to create a new topic instead of using the WAYWOC thread because I want a lot of ideas as to what to make. I want to make something around the same complexity as my last game or maybe something a bit more complex but not out of reach. My first idea was creating a tycoon from scratch but that would be 2 or more steps ahead in terms of complexity. My last game was Difficulty Chart Dropper which had some complicated parts to it. I had to spend a lot of time figuring out how to stop the player from flinging and I eventually figured out how. Feel free to check the game out. It’s nothing super complicated, at least I think so. I have a huge side project that I haven’t been working on as much because the group I have the games under is so small that by the time I were to finish the side project the group would have died months before release. Because of this I have to make enough content to keep the group barely alive. My side project is a 2D silhouette game similar to a game called “A Lucid Dream”. It has required A LOT of work just to get some simple things made. I barely even have a few minutes of gameplay and it’s taken me at least a month. I managed to figure out cut scenes which I didn’t do the proper way. Instead I changed the player camera and teleported the player from set to set. I have to make a visible layer to everything and then make a collision layer to everything. It is just so difficult that I stopped for a while because the group was doing so bad and still is. At the current moment the group has 149 members. Most of them are from me going into a game and advertising my group. Anyways I should get back to the main idea of this topic. I’m looking for a new game idea. I do have one idea at the moment but it would be quite complicated for my skill. I don’t know how to animate stuff, I’m learning how to script stuff more than just the very basic stuff, and I’m decent at building. I’ve seen a lot better than what I can do but I’d say I don’t do too bad. My current idea for a game is a game where zombies spawn from 4 sides and you have to defend a core. The game takes place in a breached laboratory. It’s an idea, but it might be too complicated. I did work on some aspects like the map but scripting the game and doing animations would be difficult. I can’t hire somebody easily as I do not have the right tools to do so and I do not have the money to do so. I’m kind of in a stuck point. I am working on an Easter update to one of my games but that’s all right now. I have one other person who has helped me with my games but they don’t always help and their work isn’t the same quality as mine. I’m still glad they help me though, even if it isn’t the same quality, or if they aren’t as professional, or some other reason. The main goals for my new game are for it to be at maximum 1 step more complicated compared to my last game and for it to be able to be played over and over again.

Examples of 2 games that can be played over and over

Examples would be in some games they have rebirths or stuff to buy to make whatever you do easier or better. A example game would be Bee Swarm Simulator. The game has backpacks, bees, and something else I think. I don’t know the game as well as I used to. A better backpack allows you to carry more pollen that you collect so you can deposit pollen and turn it into honey in less trips. I want a game that can be played multiple times like that because otherwise it wouldn’t sustain players. My last game has levels that increase in difficulty. Once you beat all however many there are you are done with the game. Another example would be SCP 3008 but on Roblox. The objective is to survive for as long as possible. The same content is being used over and over and players don’t get bored, at least enough to sustain players.

My friend who helps me with the games is a better scripter than me however they struggle with building things that look good. They would be better at making a script that would act as a rebirth function, which they have done before but only with leaderboard stats as far as I know. Sorry that this was so long but I kept thinking of things to say so I put them here.

Message for any moderator that has decided to take this post down (if this post is taken down)

(If a moderator sees this and decides this isn’t the right category for this please clarify what the right category is for this or if there isn’t one at all. The message I got just said my topic was flagged, here are the guidelines for creations feedback, here is a topic about how flagging works. It didn’t clarify what category I should move the topic to.)

Sorry that this wasn’t written the best but I get off topic easily. I noticed I repeated myself a few times. It’s been a while since my last topic (that wasn’t taken down).

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I would love to help except I have no idea what kind of game you want to make, only how difficult you want it to be to make and how you want replayability to work.

Do you have a certain genre or theme you would like to use?


I don’t really have any genre or theme to use. I mostly just go for a simple game idea. I’ve made a difficulty chart obby, a dropper, a game that you just vibe in, a clicker, and an obby battle sort of game. None of them really had any sort of theme or genre to them unless you count the actual idea of the game.


Ok, I think I have an idea for you. I just wrote it in another post so let me find it real quick. I’ll edit it in this reply when I find it

Edit: This isn’t the idea I was looking for but it’s actually better:

A game where you start in a room and have to escape somehow. Once you escape, you find that the room was just in a bigger room. The rooms get bigger and bigger as you keep escaping into new rooms. But! The way you escaped from the previous room/s is now impossible in the room you are in.


Ok then. [Character Limit] [Character Limit]


That is a really good idea. It doesn’t seem like the game a player would play too many times, maybe a few but that’s it. The way I image it would be in the first room you would escape through a normal door but in one of the giant rooms there would be furniture and you would have to climb on it to get to the next room. If something like that isn’t what you meant then please clarify.


When I make the game and finish it would you like your name to be in the credits or would you like to remain anonymous?


Yes, this is what I meant but it would get a lot more complicated then that. The first room could be a door, the second room could be a door but you have to push a button to open it, the third could be high up and you have to climb on furniture, one puzzle could be with boxes and pressure plates, but after that simple tutorial it gets harder and harder. Similar to the game Try to Die. Maybe for a later one you would have to find the button behind something and then stack up the furniture so you can climb up it and reach the door (which would be on the ceiling) and it could get even more complicated to the point where nobody can actually beat it. You could also possibly make a forever mode where the rooms are randomly generated and just go on forever.

Sure, you can just write “Inspired by xander5610” in the credits somewhere.

I’m glad you liked the idea! I can’t wait to play it.

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Randomly generated would be difficult. The only way I could think of to do it would be creating models of each room in ServerStorage, then for each room generated assigning a number to each room and then using math.random to pick a number. If it’s that number then create a clone of that room at (x, y, z).

I’m not a programmer so I can barely understand what you just said, but if you want a challenge I’d say go for it! I wouldn’t blame you if you scraped that part though.

I probably will.
Also here is an explanation.
ServerStorage is a place where you can put things like models or parts and they won’t appear in Workspace.
I don’t know exactly how to give each room a number yet. Example would be this room is room 5 and this other room is room 24.
math.random chooses a random number between what numbers you give it. Example would be between 1 and 50 and it chooses 47.
Then the script would figure out which number was chose. Example being 31. And then figuring out which room that number is assigned to.
Then the script would basically do this:
Create a clone of the room
Choose what the clone’s parent is. A parent is in this case something an object is under. When you create a part the part is under Workspace, so the parent of the part would be Workspace.
Then the script would choose where the part is. To better explain this you could think of x being left or right, y being forward or backward, and z being up and down.
I tried to explain all of that in the simplest way I could.

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Thank you, I understand it now. I agree, that seems like the best plan for making randomized rooms.

The only part that might be an issue would be figuring out the position as all rooms are different sizes. This could possibly be done by finding the floor of the room, then using the left and right value that is already there, then finding the forward and backward size of the floor, then ok this is getting too complicated for me to track in my head because I would need to figure out things about the room before and other possible stuff. So yeah, I would probably not do that until I have the experience to do so if I do decide to update the game at that point.

Ahhhh ya, I didn’t even think of that. That sounds a lot harder than it originally did now.

What if what you did was had six walls (top, bottom, front, back, left, right), and clone those for each room separately from the contents of the room, then you can make the code clone them, change the size bigger by however much each room grows, then have the door and buttons and furniture be the randomized part that spawns in after that in that order? Then you have to write some code that checks to see which wall the door is on and depending on that it will spawn a certain number of each furniture item, pressure plate and box, button, etc.

I have to go now though so ttyl

Still would have to figure out the position of each wall as it would be different each time.

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