Looking for a Partner developers cuz I wanna make dum stuff for fun (I made this cuz I am bored pls save me)


Well, hi there my name is ruki <3… I get some situations where I wake up at 3 am and just get a strive to make random stuff! Such as swords, guns, massive maps and I was wondering if someone would like to dev with me and have fun. yk like a fun partner or so just in our free time. Maybe we’ll accidently make a 1 hit wonder :wink:

Programs I use

Roblox Studio

Studio I own

Dreams Studio : 6000+ Discord members abit inactive ngl

Games I’m professionally working on

Slime online, Presented by Dreams Studio
DreamVibez, Presented by Dreams Studio

Stuff I aint professional working on

My lonely place (Yk cuz depression ), Presented by ruki0_o
Old days , Presented by Ruki0_o
Random low poly maps cuz y not , Presented by Ruki0_o

Game names I brain storm cuz y not I lowkey tryna make

Hat wars
Combat Beyond the rising sun
Base of Conviction (Kinda horror game idea)
Nordic story (Kinda a story / rpg game)
Falling sky ( Kindish a advance spleef)
Script Failure ( A game for people aspiring to be scripters ig…)
Reincarnated failure ( this might be a secret**


Well that’s what I came up with at 3 am and uhh im kinda clueless how ima start on it but it takes 1 step to be closer to your goals. So uhh ima go in blender start modeling random stuff <3

Contact through developer forum pls
Or be a cool kid and add me on discord <3


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