Looking for a programmer [ 33% equity ] -- Arcade racing game w/ beautiful visuals -- from the creators of Operation Scorpion

Hey everyone!

I’m Clarence, creator of Operation Scorpion. If you guys don’t know what it is, it’s probably the most detailed shooter game on the roblox platform at the moment. You can google it and look at gameplay videos. Or play the game itself here: Operation Scorpion - Roblox

I’ve been experimenting with a new game lately, and am looking for a programmer to help back up the project. It’s both a track-based and free-roam racing game that will consist of beautiful visuals. From the development of Operation Scorpion, I’ve found ways to optimize and handle the graphics for lower end computers.

Here’s a view snippets of the models and stuff you’d be working with:

Our cars are around 15K tris, made by one of our developers Raftre. It’s a huge leap compared to other roblox racing games that have vehicles made at around 100-200K tris. It’ll be a smoother experience for everyone.

We’ve been really trying to design a game with a minimalist and human mentality around it. You customize your cars by walking around the car and selecting stuff you want to swap out. You enter races by driving into a live auto-sports event. Etc.

Best of all, we have the creative developers to make the art into the hands of a creative programmer like you.

If you have any questions or concerns, just let me know.


Concern; you own none of these vehicles branding or the rights to their design- it’s stolen IP, and it’s only a matter of time until a real world vehicle company files a DMCA or worse to Roblox… what’s to stop anyone who partakes in this losing all of their money via takedown?


I had that exact same concern! I’m pretty sure that major game companies have close relationships with the car manufacturers that they represent in game, and those manufacturers have stringent requirements for licensing out their trademark. As Roblox grows into a more serious development platform we need to be extra aware of things like this.

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The deletion of the brand logo and any correlation to real life marketing can solve this issue. In terms of design, think about RUF and Porsche; they’re practically a look-alike, and it’s stuff that’s hard to negotiate what “similar” is in words or contrast. In the bigger picture of things, take a look at games like Vehicle Simulator and Ultimate Driving - they’re front page games that have been around for years using real cars. Or Phantom Forces, who uses hundreds of real life branded weapons.

I like to think of this as spreading news of the many wonders of the vehicles shown. It’s free marketing, and instills hope to the many young people who dream and strive to someday own one of those cars.

In the end, isn’t that what Roblox is for? It’s not a platform that challenges triple-A standards and rivals against neighboring developer tool stations. It is a place that empowers imagination and a source of inspiration. I doubt the Roblox platform will try to get anywhere of trying to meet industry standards in creating games, but rather a place where kids can blossom to someday become a leader in today’s world.

You’re probably right that it likely wouldn’t be an issue, but it’s worth acknowledging the risk that any one of these companies could request that you take down the asset and / or pay damages for using their designs.

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Don’t use other games as a moral compass. The especially concerning one is Ferrari. Ferrari and Ford are super heavy about their use. The biggest thing is those brand logos. They can get you in hot water very quickly. As a reminder, many racing games pay for licensing of cars, and the fact you don’t have licensing means that any of the manufacturers you’re using can sue you.

Also, simply removing the logos isn’t enough to save you. You’ll need to rename the cars, remove all branding, and make subtle changes to the cars so they aren’t exact replicas. You can remain under fair use if you make the car only similar, not exact, because then you can claim ownership of a parody of the real thing.

Also, talking about RUF vs Porsche. RUF purchases a bone dry chassis from Porsche and then create all the things that go on it. They work with Porsche to do that. So that’s a bad example of “look why this is allowed.”

As for the meat and potatoes of the game. I’m uncertain how you’ll be able to accommodate multiple race tracks for the track based portion of the game, while also maintaining a free roam from track to track but I wish you all the best in that endeavor. You might get more options of programmers if you have a bit more info. Your post doesn’t really say what the programmer needs to do particularly.


Remodeling, rebranding, and restructuring of the vehicles is not a big problem. Those cars are only a visual demonstration of the quality of work you’d be playing with as a developer of the game. As already stated, the main focus will be the gameplay.

In more specifics, the duty of the job is to get the mainframe of the game running, and implementing and modifying a (heavily commented, structured) chassis code.

Don’t wait till you’re in hot water to rebrand and restructure. That only leaves you open to problems and then when problems arise, fans might not be too keen to see everything suddenly change.

You might be more inclined to get two programmers. One to do the back end work and one to do the chassis work. Some people specialize in making a chassis a special piece. I’m assuming you’re going to modify an A-Chassis or Inspare Chassis.

I will warn you, if you are doing that, there are a number of games with heavily customized versions of those chassis models, and many of then talk about wanting to create a new custom chassis. Those chassis models have many limitations and can be a hassle to tune correctly, not to mention tuning on the fly.

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The cars in the game will be different than real life cars, but similar enough to know that it’s kind of like “that” car; with the addition of what I said, “rebranding, restructuring, and remodeling,” meaning the cars would not only have a slightly different look, but use our own brand and names.

We’re going to use a fairly private chassis made by a few members of the car community. It’s highly expandable and readable. In this case, most of the work will be just on the mainframe.

Reminds me of the game, Paradise City. I’m interested. How would I get in touch with you?

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