Looking for a Programmer! [R$ Payment]


I’m looking for a programmer for a small job involving saving & loading mass amount of objects. If you’re familiar with this type of work, please continue!

About The Job

You must have a good understanding of datastores and what not. Must be responsive and keep me updated on progress. We can discuss more either in DMs here, or on Discord. I’m trying to have this part of the job completed as quick as possible, so you must be speedy!


Offering 5K R$+ for the job. Specific payment can be discussed privately.

Contact Us

If you’re interested please send me a DM here on the DevForum and I can provide Discord for further discussion.
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Would u pay the 5k upfront? because 5k isnt a lot

What kind of saving and loading mass amounts of objects? do you mean player data or literal game objects?

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