Hello! I am currently looking for a quick programmer who can make me a boss fight, round-like, system. The idea is that every x minutes a boss will spawn that will chase down players around the map. The players must run or fight back together to survive it. I’d like it to have a countdown till next boss, as well as an overhead UI healthbar for all players to see. Finally, I’d like it to give some sort of reward if the players survives or defeats the boss. (unsure of what the reward is at this current moment). I am unsure of how hard this task will be, so payment is up for discussion privately!
I need to see past projects / experience.
Must be able to join group for payment.
Must be able to communicate consistently.
5,000+ Robux
Final payment will be up for discussion privately.
Please DM me on these forums or send me a tweet @SuperDuperLogar
Discord is also available privately if that is preferred.
I look forward to working with you!