Looking for a quick job as a scripter

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a scripter. I’ve been scripting for nearly 1 year and I’ve completed many jobs. I offer today my services as a scripter and I can do anything but Cars/Guns or something similar. I am only accepting quick jobs that pays more than 10$/3K Robux atm.


I don’t have anything to showcase since I’m keeping confidential all the work I’ve done for someone.


I am available 1-2 hours per day since I’ve got school for weekdays but 4-6 hours on weekends.


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. My preferred payment method is Paypal but I’ll accept robux(if you cover taxes).


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at Damn#7478.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: