Looking for a Scripter [300K ROBUX INVESTMENT]

Household is looking for a programmer!

Hey y’all, I am Radulo3D, and I started a project called Household! It is RPG Cartoony game aimed to attract younger audience and it is related to Adopt me, Bloxburg and other type of those games. We’ve worked on it for some time then we stopped and now I am looking for a new scripter. Here’s some progress so far.

Game Trailer:

You can see our group and social medias linked to it here: BlueCrab - Roblox

Job Recruitment Template

-Must be 13 years or older to apply.
-Must have couple years of experience.
-Must work couple hours a day and not be lazy.

Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

As we do have a highly popular and trusted investor putting 300K into ads, I’d offer 15% with some bonuses now and there.


You can add me on discord here: Radulo3D#1111

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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