Looking for a scripter for a tapping simulator type game[OPEN]

About Me

Hello, I am a small time lowpoly builder looking for a scripter to join me in my new game

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter that knows how to script simulators (Like tapping sim,clicking champions ect.). More detail will be provided in dms

Ingame Images

m b gh


I am looking for someone to script the entire games i would like to have it finished within this month or mid - late next month.


As i am not rich i will be paying in Percent my base percent will be 60% can be descused in dms

Contact Me

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord @: ReflectiveJaydaboss#6658
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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2 weeks is a very short time, and for an ENTIRE game. Doing something like this would require a lot of work and effort. Also, you didn’t mention if there is already a UI for the game. If there isn’t, the UI also has to be completed which makes it an almost impossible task to complete without any miracle. Scripting alone is also another factor, which would significantly increase the difficulty. As an experienced scripter, I highly suggest you extend the deadline.

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i did change it also that is just a base of how long i would like it to take it can take longer if necessary

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