Hi, I’m xChaoticKing and I’m looking for a partner in which we can 50/50. I am mostly looking for a scripter with maybe a few other skills. Overall, I’m a builder, animator, UI Designer, GFX Designer, Music creator, 3D Modeler. Of course these skills to a certain extent. Just looking for that other half that can become a partner that can script and we can top off games. I have built for Shyfoox Studios, made UIs for HiddoYT’s new game, Retextured Immunity necklaces for Survivor, and currently still texturing, creating particle effects, and maybe a few models here and there for Knife Capsules. I’m very capable at certain aspects of a game. I’m looking for a partner in which we can both grow and benefit off of each other. I’d be happy to link past work if needed but other than that just hit me on:
Discord: @xChaoticKing#1546
Twitter: @xChaoticKing
Roblox PMs: https://www.roblox.com/users/53098887/profile
Messaging here is fine too!
EDIT: I’m looking for a partner that’s motivated to develop with a good and positive spirit. Some links of my recent works:
Particle effects: https://gyazo.com/a87da246f7e0c5fb9e11379d701aafde https://gyazo.com/9a4c2d25c95e9707bc511c61a0fee552
UI Designing: https://gyazo.com/763f9ad869dab5d8637be0424df9cb1d https://gyazo.com/62601ce86bdb195030de6121bcb3194c https://gyazo.com/e34194ed3bc43859a7e83571a6f45b65
Textures: https://twitter.com/xChaoticKing/status/949409459088101376 https://twitter.com/xChaoticKing/status/948701554877624321
I’ll send more past work through contacting Seems a little big now.
Thanks, xChaoticKing