About Us
Hi, my name is Architect and i am looking for a dev partner/ scripter for a game called Stranded(The Game)
The Team
@MashedNaters - (Retired/working on new game) Builder/Modeler
@Me - Builder
@None(if needed) - UI
Here is our game so far in screen shots
Starting Area
Boats(might be used to travel)

Sharks(They can hunt for food)
Next Level (Upgraded Boat)
shop guy

Propped House


more props

and last but not least decors

About The Job
This game is really advanced so here is what i need (placement system with the right amount of coins like bloxburg and can be able to script the island system like islands)
Play Islands or watch YouTube of bloxburg building to see what i mean
The Buildings are mainly done so it depends on your hard work on the scripting!
Percentages and 50/50
Contact Us
Contact me on forum or Idkwhatiamdoinghere#5045 discord thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading!