Looking For A Studio ( BUILDER )

Hello Im looking for a job at one of your studios! I’ve been building for 7 months now on roblox and I want to to take the charge and join your development team on ROBLOX. I do low Poly, Realistic, Sci FI.

Some of my work.

I can do group funds or PayPal. If it comes down to percents I can do them I just do not prefer them.

I am available 1-2 hours a week day but I do have school work so that me vary. On the weekends 4-5 hours or with more depends if I am feeling it. Though I have been working a lot more lately

Contact me
I am 13 years old.
Disc AuroraStudio#9148

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I think you have the wrong category here, try #collaboration:portfolios to show off your skills.

Thank you I will switch right away!

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