Looking for a UI Designer for Anime Game! [FOUND]

About Me

Hi there! I am making an Anime game that requires UI’s and thats the reason why I need you!

About The Job (Please don’t apply if you can’t make it)

I am looking for something like this:

Example of UI's

All UI’s that are needed:
Pet Inventory Button and Frame
Robux Shop Frame and Button (In the shop frame you will also have 4 buttons where you can pick what you want to buy Coins, Boosts, Gamepasses, Packs)
Teleporter Frame and Button
Codes Frame and Button
Quest Frame and Button
Currency Label 2 of them actually for Coins and Rebirth Coins (Consider it Gems) ofc + button is needed
Settings Frame and Button (In frame has to be Option to like turn off songs so on/off button)
Egg Capsule Frame (as in every simulator frame that shows you what egg you are buying)
Zone UI (UI frame that asks you do you want to buy this zone? Yes/No)


Payment is in Robux paying (10K-30K) depending on your work!

Contact Us

Discord: Croatian4K#9070
Twitter: @Croatian4K

Or you can send me a DM here!


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