Looking for a user panel like this

Hey devs! :wave:

I’m looking for a user panel like this:

Which is present in games like Natural Disaster, Pls Donate, etc.

I have the belief that it is already integrated with Roblox per se, but I failed to find out how I can enable it for my games.

Any help is appreciated :wink:

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Hello, there is a core gui component which is default in all roblox experiences. It can be accessed by clicking on a player’s name on the playerlist within an experience. It allows you to examine their avatar, send a friend request, block them or report them.

At times, if you want to add additional features or are using a custom playerlist then you would be able to create a custom version, which is what many games do.

It’s the Avatar Context Menu. This article has a snippet that enables it: Avatar Context Menu | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. I copied it here:

-- Run in a LocalScript, ideally within "StarterPlayerScripts"
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGui:SetCore("AvatarContextMenuEnabled", true)

Isn’t this the console one? It should be a Core-GUI

It’s an official module by roblox but I don’t know the name. Look here:

That’s the one! Thank you very much!

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