Looking for a way to get the asset URL from an asset ID in script

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    I’m looking for a way to get the asset URL, the thing you would put here for a meshpart or something:
    I want to get that from the asset ID which would be something like this in a web URL:

    Or just find a way to put an asset ID into a meshpart and it actually work and have it be transferred into a mesh part. Sorry if that sounded confusing.
    I know I can do this manually if it’s clothing items by putting it in game settings as like default clothing and seeing what the id that shows up on my player is but I want to do this through script with possible different IDs.

I appreciate any help I can get :slightly_smiling_face:

If I am understanding correctly. Then all you have to do to convert the web URL to Roblox studio is to copy the string of numbers from the web URL and paste it into the MeshId spot. Roblox will auto fill the rest.

If I try to put “746767604” in the spot which represents this item: Cheeks - Roblox
It says this:

Okay I have done some testing. The only way I found was to import the mesh into studio using the following command in the studio command line (If you do not see the command line at the bottom of the screen then go to the “View” tab and find “Command Bar” once you select that option the command bar should pop up at the bottom of your screen):

game:GetService(“InsertService”):LoadAsset(Put your assetid here).Parent=game.Workspace

That will insert a model with the mesh inside the workspace. You can then copy the mesh id from the mesh and put it into a meshpart. Hopefully this helps.