Looking for a way to make a grid of parts on top of ROBLOX terrain

Hey there, I’ve made some nice roblox terrain and i want to turn this into triangle terrain using Atrazine’s Terrain plugin. To do this I need a lot of nodes or parts spread over my map. Does anyone know any good methods to equally spread parts over a large area?
I remember there being a plugin that does this but I cannot seem to find it.


Basically I want to have this but on a larger scale, with the parts ON the terrain, not floating.

Thank you for reading,

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You can raycast down in a grid pattern. You would then use the position value of the raycast to place the part.

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How exactly would I do that? Keep in mind the area is huge so would this take a lot of effort? If I have to I could just use the node placing system in Atrazine’s Terrain plugin but that would take a lot of time too.

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Make a script which will raycast down from the Y point, where the Y - the highest place of your terrain. This raycast will occur each NxN studs, and it should detect terrain height. And then, your points should be stored in 2D array, full of height values. Then, you need construct triangle between 3 nearby points. For 1 triangle you will need use 2 parts, bc WedgePart can be only 90 degreed triangle. If your terrain is very big, you will need add wait(), for example each 100 raycasts / 50 triangle creatings. So, this will took time.

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