Looking for an answer regarding ContextActionService

No what I think the problem is that you don’t really know what you’re on about because that code is the whole code and not just a snippet, it’s very easy to understand, I sent a remote event request to the client and sent with it a bool value true for disable movement and false for unbind action. if you’re asking me for my goal I explained it earlier twice i think, it is to halt movement to the side and backwards and to have the forward key not affected by the unbind because when I do unbind as shown in the code it halts all movement if u dont press any of the keys again

How am I supposed to help you when all the code you provide is this…?

Why can’t you just send the code so I can understand it? Also there’s this,

What the heck is ‘A’? You never gave any kind of context for this.

There’s just a lot of unknowns for what’s going in.

Do you listen? I have explained what A is multiple times, its a bool, and if you can read you can tell it is without even me telling you, i use an if statement to tell if its false or true to decide what to do and that’s how you understand its a bool plus its even called “toggle”, anything else you dont understand that’s obvious :roll_eyes:

So then what’s the point of creating a whole new variable for it when you can directly check it? There’s literally no point in doing that.

So you don’t forget what A is??? Anyways idk why we’re arguing about ways to write code, is there anything else you dont understand? Because there is literally nothing hidden from you, all the code you need to analyse is here

You know what, just use your hacked solution, since you’re so unwilling to just share the whole code.

That is the whole code, you’re just not competent enough to realise that I assume (I mean you couldn’t even tell what A was lol), my hack what now?

If you’re trying to stop movement, why can’t you just anchor the player’s character, and disable auto rotate?

If you’ve listened, you’d know Im not trying to halt movement completely, just sideways and backwards and that the issue is just the unbinding action that for some reason stops movement even if u have ur w key pressed down when it wasnt even affected (which suggests its just the unbinding thing which is the issue). I already found a solution as mentioned before, for my fire surf i just use a body velocity which doesnt let u go backwards bc it goes 1 direction but i still want to find out what to do to fix what i tried before just for some general knowledge

Would this work then?

That’s what Im doing but the issue is that if u have a key pressed down even if u enable the things back by unbinding it ull have to press the movement keys again to actually move again