Looking for an answer regarding ContextActionService

I think the image speaks for itself, just wanted to find an answer to my question, any help would be appreciated

What are you talking about exactly?

I have misread your post, apologies.

Is this some kind of custom character controller? Can you tell me what you want your code to do, and the problem you’re having?

Im using context action service to stop certain movement keys but the problem is that if u have a key pressed, even if its not affected after the change it will halt all movements and ull have to repress the key to move

After the action binding try returning ContextActionResult.Pass. That might work.

In the end I just used a body mover to fix my problem but what do you mean exactly I mean the function I use for the bind is sink

Sink, basically stops the input, and any other functions bound to it.

Yes and it affected keys it shouldnt for some reason
thats the code as u can see, shouldnt affect the w key should it, but it does

Can I see the whole code to fully understand what you’re trying to do?

That’s the whole code, I was firing a remote event for the client to do what u see and passed a bool value to determain when to do the bindings / unbind

I mean the whole script. This is just a snippet.

That is the whole code… What’s below is an end to wrap up the elseif statement, anything other than that is irrelevant

I would still like to see the whole code, it’d help me understand more of what you’re trying to do.

You mean server code? There is nothing to see, nothing that will contribute to what Im trying to understand here

The client code only, ContextActionService only works on the client.

I just told you… That’s the whole code

If this code you made from scratch or some module you’re modifying?

It is made from scratch, and no, no offense but do you actually know what you’re on about or- bc i mean the question is something that if you knew the answer to it’d be easy for you to answer, because if you’re as clueless as I am there is nothing to gain from dwelling about such details

I’m literally having trouble understanding you because,

  1. you provide a very small snippet of code Kinda hard for me to fix it with something that small.,
  2. I don’t fully understand your goal. Are you making some kind of custom character movement or what…?