Looking for an easier way to build caves?

Hello, I’m creating a big cave world for my game, but I’m already seeing that the way I’m going about it is taking too long.

So far, over the course of about 2 days, I’ve only been able to make two areas. They do look good to me, but the bulk of the time in making them came from individually placing every single block and rotating and resizing it so that all of the blocks together form a cohesive whole.

Is there some kind of plugin or building method you guys know of that could make this job a LOT faster?


Good creations take time. The cave looks incredible. I suggest using Ctrl+D.


I suppose so, and thank you for the compliment. I am using Ctrl + D, but even then it’s quite a painstaking process.

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These caves look amazing. Sadly, I don’t see any other quick way to make caves like these without making the parts noticeably larger. If you have the time I would definitely keep going like this though.


Thank you! And yeah, it’s starting to seem like there’s no other way. I will continue, though!

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Since your cave is not super round, you can make custom walls and then copy them and assemble them together. Make sure to have at least 5 different types. Probably no one will notice that you copied and pasted.


Bro, those caves are the best ones I’ve ever seen. Looks so good! Also so there are no plugins to make it quicker, but what I suggest is duplicating the whole cave, then changing bits from then on? If you see what I mean? That way, you only have to change bits instead of remaking it all over again per section.


first of all that looks amazing and amazing creations take time so yeah its best you make the caves one by one and don’t rush it helps the uniqueness of the map also how did you make those epic fires.


Situations like this are where I wish Roblox had a built in “paint brush” tool where you could choose your material, shape, and some sizing and rotation randomization bounds and just go to town painting parts all over the place.

Until then, this looks great for what you’re doing! You can build premade sections, but be careful with it looking repetitive. I’ve always had the opinion that doing it by hand looks best, but it definitely takes the most time.


Thank you so much! The fires are pretty simple, just particle emitters that start out red and end in yellow with some acceleration added and I like to add a light emission of 0.5. YouTuber Eppobot made a tutorial on how to make these kinds of fires, they’re a bit different from mine but still look really pretty!


You should definitely be using hotkeys or the transform tool.