Looking for an effect/vfx Scripter

Looking for a VFX Modeller/Scripter

There is nothing too complex here, I am just looking for somebody who would be willing to make
vfx effects, or even just one or two. .

To be more specific:
They are for magic abilities or skills.
They do not need to be complex, it’s just something i struggle with making personally.
I do not have specific needs, anything you feel like making i can work with.
They are mostly for me to learn from. But they will be used and paid for as well.
Explosions, impacts, swooshes, swishes, wooshes,


I have some Robux available for payment, however would prefer to pay via USD as i have a lot more funds on that end. Name your price and we can work with that.


I’m available through devforums messages or you can add me on discord!

Thanks for looking!

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