I am currently looking for an experienced scripter for my game.
My game involves players battling other players on their own customizable ships (more detail in private).
I’m looking for a scripter who is able to do the following things:
- Make a steering system for ships
- Script a customization menu for ships, where a player can choose custom figureheads or deck colors, etc
- Round timers, game winner screens, and team-based modes (more on that in private)
- Be able to program certain achievements that unlock perks (50 kills gives you 500 extra ship health)
- Make ships sink/fall apart when they reach 0 health
- Add music cues in game
More will be discussed if you’re interested
You will be paid per task, in robux or Paypal (whichever is preferred).
I am also looking for a music maker to make one or two naval tracks for my game.
You can contact me at:
ChocoTurkey (Roblox Profile)
If you are interested leave your Discord, and I can contact you there (mine has a lot of emojis it won’t let me post).