So reasontly I’ve been watching a lot of videos about roblox horror games(Mainly Breadian’s videos), and he always says how not scary all the horror games on this platform are, and I really wanted to know if I can make a scary horror game.
So I made one, I thought it was pretty good and I got my family to play it, but everyone expect for my older brother didn’t know how to controll the character in the first place, so their main response was that it was too hard, and my older brother and my friends feedback was that it was confusing and frustrating to play, so I updated it a lot, and now I have this, and I would love to know what you think of it!
If you end up playing it, please let me know what you think! And also how scary was it?
Thank you so much for your time, have a nice day.
I played the game, and I like the concept of getting from one building to another in a limited amount of time. This is the only feedback I can give:
It took me a few times to understand what to do to prevent the monster from attacking. Maybe you could give hints out on what to do, just like in DOORS.
The save data system seems to be a bit flawed, after I left and rejoined the game and tried to load my data, I accidentally overwritten my old save, here’s what you could do to fix this issue:
A confirmation should appear if trying to overwrite a save data with an earlier checkpoint.
The book in the first building should load data instead of saving it.
The final cut scene was well put together, and I think the game has a lot of potential!
Very simple to play through. The music, atmosphere and all that make it very unnerving (ESPECIALLY the breathing)! Door animations are good, the last cutscene was a bit confusing (because the player doesn’t really know what the monster looks like until they do, but then see it dead moments later).
The part where the monster comes into play should be a bit more interesting. Make a cutscene where he appears infront of you for a split second before disappearing (that should happen just about when you get to the instructions on how to avoid him).
Thank you so much for your feedback, to load a save you were supposed to press the continue button at the title screen, the reason why you can save at any houses is because I want to make this game open ended, and you can go anywhere without any real order, so in the full game players might come back to the same house multiple times
Thing about multiplayer is that it’s not scary(or it’s difficult to make it scary), and besides it’s already too late since I coded it all in local script