What I’m struggling with is obtaining a Vector value. The Vector value I would like to get is one that always opposes the locked on target, and is somewhat always behind the character.
Now what I mean is that the camera’s CFrame is not relative to the local player’s cframe but would be something similar to a position somewhat relative to the player’s position (So a point that stays 10 studs away from the character and 5 studs up in the y vector but always opposes the locked on target)
I’m not the best at positioning, but that doesn’t look wrong. Alternatively if you just want the camera to look toward the target you can just do this:
Oh you can try having a separate part that acts as the focus of the camera, that part will follow the player smoothly, and the camera will just keep looking at the target. Not sure about the additional positioning but that’s a good place to start ^^
From watching and slowly rewinding the example video you provided , it almost seems like the camera is just lerping or tweening towards the character’s head
The camera is indeed tweening towards some sort of part relevant to the character but what I want to achieve is the position. Notice in the gif when the player is dashing (When the character is facing left) the camera does not change it’s cframe to adjust behind the characters head. What I need is that position that opposes the target but above the character.
EDIT: A simple line would be CameraPos = Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,2,-8)
But this would move the camera to stay always behind the character (If the character were to orientate the camera would as well and eventually the character would be out of site)
The issue was Unit changed the Vector to something like 0,0,1 which sent me to the center of the world. Adding the end position (My Character Position) was the solution. That’s why I was under the world.