Looking for beta testers for my newly released game! Supernatural 2 [BETA]

Hey Roblox community i’ve just recently released a new game that is a sequel to another game that I made. While its not done, it is published. New content and updates will come daily.
I am looking for constructive critism about all aspects of the game. The game is mobile and PC supported currently. I will leave pictures of the icon and the thumbnail but remember I am one person so there not gonna be perfect but I try!
Additional info: Supernatural 2 is based on the CW show Supernatural while also taking its own role on that.
Link: Supernatural 2 [BETA] - Roblox

(Will appreciate any kind of feedback!)


Looks so good and perfect, I would like to be your beta game tester.

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It’s pretty good. :slight_smile: Keep it up. I had trouble using the keys in the first mission, but somehow I managed to get upstairs. I don’t know what I did. Then next door I was stuck again.

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Hey thanks, sounds good. Let me know any further feedback you have!

I changed the way the keys work if you would like to give it another try!

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