Looking for builders & scripters/programmers

Hello there, My name is Gijs and I’m currently setting up a pretty ambitious project on Roblox: Project Eagle . For this project I need a team of talented scripters and builders who have experience in

  • Roleplay games
  • Political / Nation RP games
  • Military Simulator RP games

I’m looking for:
3D Artist: 1 vacancy
Builder: 2 vacancies
Scripter/programmer: 2 vacancies

What type of team do I require and what can you get out of it?
This project is in it’s first “stage”: it’s currently brainstorming, concepting and making the first drafts. Because we’re in such an early stage I require a passionate team with people who are looking for a long-term opportunity instead of a “quick buck”. This means I currently don’t have a large budget to pay you, but once the project is live you’ll get a percentage of the gamepass sales / subscriptions. I’m open for a discussion about what you can mean for the project and what type of payment you want (percentage, robux, pre-agreed amount, etc)

Contact me through guilded for more info and send me your portfolio. Then we’ll talk about what your vision is on this project and what you want in terms of reward/payment.


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