Looking for builders

I’m looking for people to help build on my latest project, Dragon Ball: Generations.
Specifically, I need terrain for all of the environments that will appear in the game’s release.

Some features I’m looking for is this:

  • Terrains based on specific planets from the DBZ series
  • Larger = Better
  • Flat areas to put enemies/PvP zones/civilization, preferably more than one
  • A sizable dungeon or arena stashed away somewhere on the map
  • Geological twists (such as ravines/mountains), or a distinguishable geological feature
  • Potentially a cave

Some restrictions are as follows:

  • No CSG/Solid Modeling
  • Meshes & Textures should be used conservatively

The main purpose of these restrictions is to eliminate potential performance issues that may negatively affect user experience.

Below is a checklist of specific things from the DBZ series that I’m looking to have made:[ul]
[li]NOTE: I am looking for both a remote terrain and a city terrain that resembles West City. Accessible = Able to be entered.[/li]
[li]FEATURES (Remote terrain): Desertous AND Grassy biomes, Plateaus, Mountain(s), Hills[/li]

[li]Dungeon Recommendation: Dr. Gero’s Hidden Laboratory[/li]

[li]FEATURES (City terrain): West City: Capsule Corporation (Accessible), Town Centre/Square, Large Buildings (Doesn’t have to be accessible), Houses, River/Body of water, Roads[/li]

[li]Arena Recommendation: The Cell Games Arena[/li]

[li]Planet Vegeta[/li]

[li]FEATURES: Rocky terrain with green grass and slightly tanned-colored rocks, plateaus, archs, and if possible, a castle with a throne room that resembles King Vegeta’s throne room.[/li]

[li]Frieza’s Spaceship[/li]

[li]NOTE: Not a planet, does not have to be very large[/li]
[li]FEATURES: No terrain: Large cockpit, chambers, hallways, tiled floor, lights[/li]

[li]Sacred World of the Kais[/li]

[li]FEATURES: Large vibrantly green expanse, occasional bushes, remote trees, small purple-blue bodies of water, occasional plateaus[/li]
[li]SPECIAL FEATURE: One tall, cylindrical and very thin plateau[/li]


External Media

[li]FEATURES: Blue grass/foliage, namekian trees, many plateaus and hills, green lakes and rivers running throughout the land[/li]

The price I offer will vary on amount of bricks used, aesthetics, and how well you’ve fit the guidelines.
I can offer anywhere up to 10k R$ based on these terms.

Leave a reply below if you are interested and state which terrain so we can be in contact. I would also like to survey any previous builds where applicable.

Ouch, that no CSG hurts man. Some of my best terrain is CSG. Miner’s Haven for instance. Whats your view on smooth terrain?

Restricting unions won’t help from a performance standpoint and especially not a graphical one. CSG physics are the primary issue so as long as you don’t have them unananchored or cancollide, I think they should be fine.

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