Looking for Candy Themed Accessories

I’m working on a game currently and I need some cosmetics that the player could buy and equip with the currency themed, The main theme of my game is candy and sweet items so it would be quite if I could get some items in the catalog I could reference in my game. As long I don’t sell them for robux I’m allowed to this right?


You probably did this already and pretty obvious but the catalog has LOTS of candy-related stuff.

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Thank you but are there any ones you’d recommend that looks good to you

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Late. I kinda do. (i can’t infinitely scroll on catalog cuz of mobile)

Small Candy Cane (there’s other sizes, medium, giant)
Candy Corn Hood
Candy Horns
Black Candy Hair
Sweet Jelly Bean Tie

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Extra 30:bfviuuifebw.fubvudbvew

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