Looking for Car Spawn Makers and Car Makers [CLOSED]

About Us

Hey! We’re a County, who love roleplaying. We do patrols, however, it’s not possible without a Car Spawn Maker and a Car Maker :slight_smile: It’s a group based on roleplaying, and efficiency.

The Team
@49dec - Founder

You can see the game progress so far: Mano County Police Patrol - Roblox

About The Job

You’re to complete small tasks I’m handing out to you, and you’ll be given a R$500 pay at the end for completing every task.

Example of vehicles I would want:


You will be paid R$500 group funds, as this is a small task being completed.

Contact Us

Conntact me via discord: 49dec#6526
Must be 10+ or Older
Must be experienced, at least 3 weeks at the minimum or more in making car or making car spawns.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Modeling a car is far from being a small task, furthermore you’ve mentioned it’s not the only task you’re requiring. I would highly consider raising the price a significant amount.

1 Like

I am interested, here is my portfolio, contact me on discord at Barty 2016#1019

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