Looking for character designs and animations!


I’m trying to finish an egg hunt by Friday and there are a few things I could use some help with. In the game you’ll be able to talk with some NPC’s, but that of course means there have to be NPC’s to talk to. I’m pretty much here to ask if anyone is interested in making me some animations or character models. I already made a list with animations and characters that I need:

- Pointing to the right (right relative to the NPC)

  • Explaining something
  • Seeing if no one’s around
  • Scratching head
  • Shouting

- Archeologist (2 male + 1 female)
- Villager (5 male + 5 female)
- Miner (3 male)
- Explorer (1 female)

If you want to make the animations you can just use the Animation editor to insert a dummy and animate it; the NPC’s will just have the same proportions as the current player characters. I don’t care how much detail is put into the animations, as long as they look decent. Animations also shouldn’t be looped. I’ll pay 1.5k robux after tax for each animation.

If you want to make the character designs you should insert a Dummy with the animation editor and use that as a template so they’re able to play animations. For clothing, hair, hats, faces and packages you’re allowed to just grab things from the catalog and stick them to the Dummy (i.e. the character models should kind of look like regular players). Make sure all additional parts are connected with a Motor6D though so they don’t interfere with the animations. I’ll pay 1k robux after tax for each character design.

“I made you an animation and/or character, what now?”

If you’re up to the task and have finished an animation or character design, let me know (preferably here on this topic so others know as well and there won’t be any duplicates by accident). You can then send me a message on here with the character model or the AnimSaves model (for the animators) attached to it. You can then make a T-shirt on the site so I can pay you. (1429 robux for each character model and 2143 robux for each animation)

If you have any questions, let me know! :grinning:

Edit: Oh, and of course, before I forget. This is the game: https://www.roblox.com/games/381731643/Test
You can only enter if you’re in my friends list, so if you want to take a look and you’re not my friend, just send me a friend request!

Edit: I’ll cross out some of the things I need whenever I receive them so no one might accidently do some work that has been done already

Final edit: Everything’s done. I don’t need anymore help. Thanks to everyone who helped me!


Any reason for not using a group’s distribute feature?

That will allow non BC developers to make what you need and still be able to be paid ( and group distribute doesn’t have tax so :wink: )

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Didn’t think about that. I haven’t personally used the feature yet and I expected most people here to have BC anyways. Though, if anyone is willing to help but doesn’t have BC, let me know and I’ll use that alternative! :wink:

It may also be less expensive for you.

I tried to make an animation I don’t know exactly if this is what you meant but yea, is there a way I can contact you to show you? (Shouting Animation)

I actually just received a message from someone who already made some animations. If you don’t mind I’ll use his instead :worried:

No problem :stuck_out_tongue: I can always use it for something later I guess…

Okay erm sweet, that was quick. I received all the things I need, so I guess I don’t need anything anymore. Thanks to those who helped me out! :grinning:

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