About Us
Greetings! We are Clockwork Entertainment, creators of ROSES and ALONE. We are currently looking for a clothing designer for our latest project, ALONE Battle Royale.
What We Need
We are looking for a designer who can be on call, meaning we’re looking for someone who we can go to when we’re in need of more awesome designs to put in game. If you’re looking for consistent pay, this unfortunately is not the thread for you.
We are mostly looking to have more themed clothing sets created. So for example: Roman soldier, skateboarder, etc.
You will be paid PER SET (shirt and pants) via group fund. We do not currently have a set price as we don’t want to underpay for the quality we’re looking for, so this can be discussed privately. If you’d like to post a reply with suggested pricing, it would be much appreciated!
Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or reply to this thread with any questions you have. If you’re interested, feel free to reply with photos of your work, or send them to me privately.
Thanks everyone!