Looking for clothing designer!

Looking for a clothing designer who would want their bundled clothes on display in my UGC shop plaza in my newest game Blue Arc City - Roblox. Also looking to purchase some custom clothing from them for my games.

About my group: WCRE is a group for everyone, whether you want to share your builds, or group together and play! However, in history, the WCRE is a science facility type group with various facilities and a lot of story lore.

About the games: Currently there are 4 playable games, one being the new Blue Arc City.
“Moonlight Theater”: A game designed to give players the chance to put on their imagination on the stage with several different stage props/sets. Almost everything is customizable to fit the players’ needs for their show!
“Project: Europa”: This game is about a science facility on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Players can explore the various areas, partake in a ‘scavenger hunt’ for core shards to change the ‘meltdown’ effect of the core. The primary core event (also the main story lore) is a boss battle with an A.I. that takes control of the facility.
“WC Realms”: A game where you can traverse the many different realms of the Crystal Empire and find theme specific game teleporters. Yup! This is a multi world game hub!
“Blue Arc City”: A game meant to be the ‘ground zero’ for WCRE! Blue Arc City houses a large UGC Shopping plaza, game teleporters, various roleplay interaction segments, and more (soon).

What I’m looking for: I am looking for someone who’s dream was to be a UGC designer who wants their avatar bundles publicized! Seeing as though the purchases would automatically be through roblox marketplace and the designer would be getting the profits whereas I would get the place visits. ON THE OTHER HAND, I am also looking to have some custom clothing made for my games. If anyone is interested, let’s talk!


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