Looking For Concept Art Designer

The Job
Hello! My development partner and I are looking for an artist to sketch out some concept art for an upcoming game we’re working on. We’ve already gathered some reference pictures for you to pull from and be inspired/influenced by. We’re looking for you to develop a university campus layout from the aforementioned pictures. More specific details will be provided upon offer and acceptance of the task. Please send portfolios to myself either here on the Forums or through Discord (see below).

Payment is negotiable, preferably paid out in USD via PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp. Will pay out through Group Funds (one-time payout) if need be.

Time Schedule
We’re hoping to have the sketches ASAP, so we ask that this be your only/primary commission for the duration of the task.

Discord: coleifornia#4530
Twitter: @coleifornia_

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to hearing from some of you and seeing your work!


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