Looking for criticism feedback on my GFX


Hello @Wilylol,

I think this looks good. I like the effects on the sword thing and the partial thing that looks nice. I have a few things you should really change on it, The first thing is it looks not clear at all and looks very blurry. I would also say you should remove the watermark but I know the reason you put it there is so nobody can copy it for themselves. You also should make it look a little brighter that will attract people to it (could add a little color light as well,).

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Aye, I been testing for blur motion but I see what you mean, thank you for this feed back though!

It’s so good! I really like it! The only thing that you could change if you want to is to make it less blurry, I think it would be perfect if you would do that!

I can tell what effect you’re trying to create here.

If you make it so that the front character diffuses better with the environment and contrasts with the blur you’re trying to create in the background (or to his front), the GFX would be much better overall.

The GFX is good, but is blurry, if you fix that it will be better.

Have a nice day. :happy1:

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